Being a collection of ramblings on divers bits of library service development.
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Rethinking user education materials a bit
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Books in a box...
- There’d be a robust container that carried the Rochdale Library Service brand.
- The package could be designed to hold a set number of items, so it would be obvious to the borrower when something’s missing because there’d be a gap where it ought to be.
- The interior of the doors could include display information about the Library Service and/or the stock in the box. Which means that when it’s not being a package in transit it could be a miniature display cabinet, which would be particularly useful for situations with deposit collections.
- “Spare” boxes could be used as props in displays and at exhibitions and conferences.
- Each box would contain different materials so it should be easy enough to ensure that loans to nurseries, nursing homes, etc. were refreshed — staff would only need to know that the site’s had boxes 1, 4 and 6 so far this year instead of the 72 or so titles that had been loaned in the process.
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Speaking in tongues
Monday, 6 September 2010
Voices for the library
Thursday, 2 September 2010
Oh yes?
Monday, 23 August 2010
Sunday, 1 August 2010
Big picture worries
In particular, we need to lessen the public librarian's traditional emphasis on buildings and furniture and focus our (and, more importantly, the public’s) attention onto services and people.
- There’s no point in committing all our resources on the set dressing if we don’t have a good play to put on or the leading man’s talking to himself in the love scene.
- In changing the service in response to cuts and new opportunities we need to be clear which is baby and which is bathwater.
We know there are a lot of challenging questions facing us. Some library services have got some of the answers. Some library services have got some of the questions. Here are a few...
Resource management — we have to be smarter about using the resources we’ve got more effectively and efficiently. We need to know what resources we have in the first place:
- Do you have a reasonable idea of your stock?
- Too many of us effectively ignore the literally millions of free resources on the web and don’t use the resources we pay for particularly effectively. We need to be treating these materials as part of our stock, to be selected, described and promoted the same way as we should be doing with physical resources. At the very least we should be making these available via the Library Catalogue. More than that, we should be using these as part of service development and delivery. It’s axiomatic that we should be using these as reference and information service resources. It should be equally obvious that they’re useful for literacy and reader development and as reading matter in their own right.
- An easy example for us at Rochdale would be tying together the physical resources in the Maskew Collection (a new collection of classic literature funded by a bequest) with out-of-print classics in Project Gutenberg.
- Are we actively using our Reserve Stock? No, but we could and should be. The National Back Catalogue of Books is an important resource that we shouldn't be wasting.
- Do we really know our customers, their use of the library and their needs? We have two decades’ worth of customer usage data. What are the trends in usage and membership and what do they tell us about what is and isn’t working in our libraries?
- Are there differences in trends for different customer groups? The answer is yes. We have some startling variances once we start looking over a ten-year period. Why?
- Are there differences in the rate of change over time? Yes again. Sometimes it’s obviously because of refurbishment or repair of the library, but are there other lessons to be learned? And what are the medium- long-term effects of refurbishments?
- Are trends different in different libraries? Are the patterns of use different? Yes. Why?
- How do usage patterns reflect, or not, the history of events and activities at each library?
- Do any customer usage patterns reflect any stock usage patterns? Is the use of a particular library by a particular customer group inextricably linked to the fortunes of a particular collection?
- Do usage patterns reflect changes of use rather than abandonment? Is the Internet doing the job that was traditionally done by some of our non-fiction stock? (It’s certainly doing the job of a lot of the reference stock.) People can access all our lending stock online, reserve a copy and have it sent over to their most convenient library, instead of having to go into the main library for the most choice — are main libraries becoming repositories rather than main access points?
What are staff capable of and what do they need to fulfil their potential?
- Do we know, or recognise, the skills and experience our staff are bringing to the workplace? Too many public libraries have had a culture of keeping people (especially, but not exclusively, the "para-professionals") in their place. We cannot afford to waste resources we are already paying for.
- Skills audits and a training needs analyses need to be kept up-to-date to reflect a changing world. And the skills audit needs to be shared within the Library Service so that anybody who needs a particular skill can easily find out who’s got it.
A modern library service needs a structured approach to partnership working with the focus of the relationship being the value added to the services and goals of the organisation.
- This should include a practical and practicable partnership strategy, including clear guidelines on determining the ROI of a potential partnership and a model exit strategy.
- For a practical and practicable partnership strategy to be practicable it would need to be available well beforehand to those staff who may be in a position to enter into partnership arrangements!
The modern library service needs to actively engage with ICT instead of treating it as something somehow “other” to the services we provide. It is an inescapable part of our service provision.
- In Rochdale we should be replacing both the PN management system and the LMS in the next year (actually, the intended timescales are scarily short). The hard question facing us is: "What is the Library Service actually planning on doing with them?" We need to be very clear about the reasons for making this investment and the intended return on this investment. And we need to make it clear that these aren't just magic wand solutions. After all, just because you’ve bought a hammer and some wood doesn’t mean the garden shed’s going to build itself.
- It's easy to make the mistake of limiting discussions about the People's Network to traditional reference, learning and business information issues. We also need to have a clear idea of what we want to do with it regarding literacy, reader development and cultural identity.
- The modern library service needs to be looking to deliver real-time online services other than just automated circulation transactions. How will this be done with existing resources?
- “Online” is no longer “on computer,” we need to be delivering services via mobile technology as well. How will this be done with existing resources?
More resource management: when the library service commits itself to doing anything it also needs to commit the appropriate (and, where applicable, named) resources. Obvious? Of course. Uinversally-acknowledged and applied? Nah... So:
- Do we have the resources to deliver on these commitments?
Are some resources being over-committed? (This ties in with the skills audit.) - Are we committing resources we don’t actually have in the first place? (This ties in with the training needs matrix.)
As I've said before, we need to be more aggressive and proactive about our marketing. We do stuff, why do we keep it a secret? If it's worth doing it's worth letting people know that you can do it, do do it and could do it again.
- Internal marketing is also important: if staff know what’s going on then they can tell our customers about it. This doesn’t just mean the front-line staff at the particular library — Library A can and should tells its customers what’s going on in other libraries nearby; backstage staff take a lot of ‘phone calls from customers; and all staff talk to friends, relatives and strangers at bus stops.
- Events, activities and projects need to be formally recorded and reviewed afterwards (which doesn’t mean writing a dissertation — Key Notes should do). What worked, what didn’t and why? What resources were used? What key resources didn’t turn out to be available after all? (see above) What can somebody else learn from this experience so that they don’t have to re-invent the wheel? What can we tell the world about it?
- Too much of our publicity depends on people already having come into the library in the first place. We need to have “libraries do neat stuff” notices in church halls, doctors’ waiting room, supermarkets’ community notice boards, etc. If there were still telephone boxes around I’d also suggest little calling cards.
- We also need to use social networking services to deliver timely updates and news about our events and services in a shareable format.
There's a ton and a half of other stuff to worry about, too, but that's enough of a start for one Sunday afternoon.
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Treasure trove

Moving a pile of disreputable old filing cabinets out of an office the other day we discovered a long-forgotten portfolio. Luckily, we're all dead nosy and had a quick look inside before throwing it away. Just as well: it's a collection of original artwork by children's artists who'd visited our libraries in the 1970s and 1980s. They'd come along, talked to the children and did a few illustrative sketches in the process and somebody had the sense to keep them safe for future use.

Being dead bone idle I want to see more than one outcome for this effort. Having a chat with Ray, our Children's Services Manager, we decided that at the very least we'd want:
- The Flickr set.
- A news item on the web site linking to the Flickr set and to the catalogue records for those authors we still stock.
- Ties-in with other children's library activities and promotions (Ray was already planning on doing something on a pirate theme some time, the John Ryan sketches fit in nicely).
- A properly-curated exhibition of some kind of the sketches.
So it's not all doom and gloom at the coal face.
Sunday, 25 July 2010
Telling the story
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Managing in a storm
- To ensure that the people who are tasked to do the work know what is expected of them.
- To ensure that the people who are tasked to do the work know how to do what is expected of them.
- To ensure that the resources required to deliver the work are available when they are needed.
- To ensure that there are ways of means of making sure that the work is being delivered.
- To ensure that there are ways of means of determining when the work has been done.
- To ensure that there is a review process so that if the work needs to be done again it can be done to at least the same standard, if not better and more efficiently.
Every one of these points requires effective communication between the manager and the staff. Effective communication isn't just telling somebody something, or sending them an email, and then walking away expecting things to be done the way you want them. Communication is a game for more than one player. You need to listen. You need to ask. You need to check. Does the other person understand what you want? Do you understand what they mean when they're responding? Are you sure you know all the answers or have they got a better idea? Are you having an argument because they don't understand you, you don't understand them, or that you were talking out of the seat of your pants in the first place (oh come on, be honest, we all do sometimes).
Don't assume that questions and challenges are a bad thing: if your point of view doesn't stand up to internal scrutiny like as not it won't survive an outsider's inquisition. A tested proposition is a safer proposition.
So a good manager ensures that there is a conversation. And ensures a common goal. And ensures a fighting chance of success.
And a bad manager assumes that success will just come to them and that it's somebody else's fault if it doesn't happen.
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Monday, 19 July 2010
It's nice when something works
What's really good is the analysis and reporting tools. Within half an hour of uploading the data I've got access to a very straightforward mass of meaningful statistics that can be easily exported to a spreadsheet for tarting up.
Particularly nice is that all the iffy stuff gets quarantined. If it's obvious that somebody's just been hitting keys or inputting a pre-disposed set of answers the responses get put to one side for you to check up on. We knew this latest survey had been nobbled by somebody with an axe to grind, so I'd set myself up to go through the data to see if I could identify the offending responses on the days involved. Much to my delight, I found that they'd all already been shunted over to the Quarantine folder (on account of their being twelve very similar responses in the space of ten minutes). I'm suitably impressed.
Looking through the responses to open-ended questions is always an education. It shouldn't surprise me that youngsters see it as the opportunity to post love grafitti on the screen ("Charlotte loves Lewis TLFE"). Looking at this set I'm going to suggest to the Branch Assistant that she should have a word in Nathan's ear: if he doesn't borrow lots more books we'll tell Caitlyn about Bridie and Bridie about Caitlyn.
Sunday, 18 July 2010
Secret to Successful New Product Innovation: Keep the Boss Out of It
"One secret appears to lie in the degree of senior management involvement in the creative process."
“New product development success comes down to two important principles - - managing ideas lightly while managing the process precisely,”This is important. Successful innovation is the intelligent application of creative thought.
- Creativity is about making new connections and doing something with them.
- Intelligent application is about persuading the creative process to do something useful with them.
Friday, 16 July 2010
Is your library making milkshake mistakes?
It's a variation on the "can't see the wood for the trees" problem where the purpose of a development activity has become ill-defined. In this case the key question for the developer is: "are we wanting to improve [however defined] the product or are we wanting to improve its sales?" If the former, then the behaviour of the product is paramount. If the latter, then the behaviour of the [potential] customer is paramount.
It doesn't matter how excellent your product is if the customer can't, or won't, use it or afford it. A 'good enough' product that doesn't require the customer's having to radically modify their usual behaviours is always going to have something going for it.
Listening to global voices
He argues that "the web connects the globe, but most of us end up hearing mainly from people just like ourselves." Which is uncomfortably like the problem with some public libraries — "for people like us, by people like us," with everybody else fringed off and assigned their special label to be treated differently. We know that this doesn't have to be so, and there's a lot going on in our libraries to try and knock that sort of attitude on the head. Which is just as well as public libraries are excellently positioned to help foster Zuckerman's "xenophilia" and have excellent reasons for making an active effort to do it.
- Public libraries are — or should be — important serendipity engines within the community. The key purpose of the library is to give the user the keys to the world. This can't be effected if the library only delivers what the specifics that customer asks for. As Arkwright says: "What they come in for is up to themselves. What they go out with is up to us."
- The survival of any public sector service is dependent on not just being important to "people like us." The more "people not like us" that a service engages with, satisfies and delights the better for its chances of survival. Which is why, for all the breast-beating over the years, the prospects for the public library service are better than those for the municipal blacksmith, the lamp-lighter and the knocker-upper.
- Local economic recovery is dependent on entrepreneurship and inward investment. These days the key markets, and the money, are in Asia.
- We need to maximise the chances of serendipitous discovery of opportunities for local entrepreneurs.
- We need to maximise the chances of serendipitous discovery of local opportunities for overseas entrepreneurs.
How to do it?
- We need to make sure that we don't make all our user interface too relevant. At first that sounds counter-productive, we don't want to be wasting our customers' time after all. All I'm saying is that there always needs to be a small but visible proportion of almost randomised, but certainly unexpected, content or activity that can act as a bridge between the user's daily information/cultural commuting route and roads less-travelled. The whole customer experience needs to enable the same scope for serendipitous discovery as a browse of the library bookshelves.
- We need to be open to and promote user-generated content that provides useful bridges. And perhaps even be brave enough to let customers themselves define and share "useful."
- We need to mainstream and actively promote those activities that link us with "people unlike ourselves."
- We need to make sure the we, our content and our community are available. If we're not there we won't be found. Back in the nineties a friend's library service scored quite a few Brownie points because a Japanese company used the library's online community information database to investigate the local social infrastructure, which led to them setting up a factory there.
We should be doing that anyway. It's worth testing whether or not we actually do.
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
- I've been eavesdropping on the ALA Virtual Conference (thanks to both Marianne and Stewart!);
- Watched lectures on the potential of the online cognitive surplus; Facebook game business dynamics and making a splash with social media;
- Checked out articles on Mashable and LGITU;
- Tried to get my head round the mechanics of the WriteToReply functions being explained by Tony Hirst. and
- Exchanged concerns with colleagues about the current state of play of one of the library management systems companies.
- Peeking through a window to watch a conference.
- Leaving the office for a day just to see a lecture or two or attend a seminar or meet colleagues from far, far away
Friday, 2 July 2010
Whole team working
Some of those in The Profession could do with taking this cautionary tale to heart...
Thursday, 1 July 2010
Signs of the times

Sunday, 23 May 2010
Public library activity in the areas of health and well-being
There's a lot to feel encouraged about by this, not least the recognition that public libraries already do a lot of work with their local communities to promote both healthy living and well-being in general. As the authors state:
"Libraries offer neutral, non- stigmatised, non-clinical community space, in a setting that differentiates it from hospital services, delivers the prevention agenda particularly effectively, and has implications for the audiences reached. Partners felt that the combination of these factors creates a unique offer that made the public library a good place to offer health and well-being activity."
Inevitably, though, we continue to suffer because of the diffidence of the public library sector:
"Libraries’ inability to articulate their contribution to the health and well-being agenda is reinforced by their relative invisibility in high level health, well-being and social care policy and strategy."
This needs to change and it is encouraging to see that in many places it is changing and library managers are banging the drum about the contribution that their libraries make. It's important that we factor this into resource planning for public libraries. One of the continuing dangers of the development of self-service and 'tell us once' projects is that they are seen as replacements for front-line library staff instead of liberators of front-line library staff.
"Library staff are viewed as a key resource in terms of their existing roles and functions, since some aspects of health and well-being work build on what library staff do and what they do well."
If we can release front-line staff from purely mechanical tasks then they will have more time to do what they do so well. And it is arguably more cost-effective for the public purse to let (let's be honest: inexpensive) public library staff do their thing than it is to have a raft of projects and programmes, each with their own manager and funding stream.
Friday, 14 May 2010
Just one big serendipity engine
(there, I said it!)
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Abstract thinking 2
A while back I had a bit of a play with some pictures of libraries, turning them into kaleidoscope images. I said that I'd come back a bit later to see if I could pick out the new reburbishments from the older builds. I struggled a bit, I'll admit. Which turns out to be surprising as when you clump them all together it becomes obvious...
Builds and refurbishments before 2005
Builds and refurbishments after 2005
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Coping with Twitter
Monday, 10 May 2010
This website is not endorsed by Google!
The safe use of new technologies
(Yet another thank-you to Phil Bradley!)
Ofsted has produced a report - "The safe use of new technologies" - in response to the report of the Byron Review, "Safer children in a digital world."
Although it's looking at the use of the internet in schools, this is essential reading for those of us providing internet access in public libraries, if only as an antidote to some of the more hysterical responses to somebody's finding inappropriate content. We can put up as many safety barriers as we like, they're not infallible and no substitute for an e-safety culture. An effective e-safety culture addresses the questions "what do we do when something goes wrong?" and "how do we help the customer safely learn from the experience?"
The section on "Internet safety training for teachers and the wider workforce" applies with equal, or possibly greater, force in public libraries given that our clientele is so very much broader. If a 'one size fits all' approach to e-safety training is inadequate for dealing with the needs of a small customer base of defined age range, known ability and controlled context how more inadequate is it with a wide customer base where none of these factors are limited or defined? And how many of us are even able to provide that inadequate 'one size fits all' training scheme for all our staff? In the local government culture, spending on the technology to try to keep the bogeyman at bay is an acceptable, essential investment; spending on equipping staff to deal with real life is an optional extra.
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Shared services
In the end I had to Google lis-pub-libs.
A shame, the front end to the Jiscmail site looks a ton better, it's just not useful.
Monday, 3 May 2010
LMS musings: customer management
Library customers (not only borrowers!) management — brainstorming the business needs
We want you to think about how we would use a new library management system (LMS) to manage our customers, and not just borrowers.
If at all possible, we need to include all our customers in the system and if at all possible we need to have auditable data about all our customer transactions. In reality this isn’t always practicable or desirable but we need to include as many customers as possible.
What we want you to do:
- Start with a blank sheet of paper. Or some post-it notes if you prefer.
- The questions are:
- What information do we need to be able to provide services to our customers?
- What information do we need to make sure that we’re providing the appropriate services for each customer?
- What information do we need to make sure that we’re putting the right resources (staff, stock, events or whatever) in the right places to deliver these services?
- How do we prove that we’re earning our keep and doing it right?
- How do we prove that we’re meeting the needs of the whole community?
- Forget about what how we do things now.
- Think about what we should be doing now and what you think we will need to be doing in the future.
- Don’t worry about putting the ideas you have into any sort of order, just get the idea noted down while you remember what it was.
- Once you’ve got your ideas noted down you might want to come back to them and decide whether each one is something:
- We need;
- We want; or
- We would like.
Before you start, have a look at a few issues that we need to bear in mind…
All systems begin and end with somebody wanting something to happen.
A computer is not a system and a system does not need a computer.
Your business needs are:
- What needs to happen at the beginning?
- How will you know it has happened at the end?
- Don’t get bogged down with the intermediary steps; and definitely don’t get bogged down by “this is what we do now”
- At this stage of the game you’re wanting to know whether the system delivers the end product.
The way that you work with a new LMS will be very different to the way you work with Dynix.
- Different systems will work in different ways. I guarantee that any new library management system will not work like Dynix and will not be “a more modern version of Dynix.” For better and worse it will be very different.
- The technical installation of a new LMS is the easy bit. The hard bit is changing the way you work so that your business processes take advantage of the most efficient and effective ways of using your new system to deliver your services, rather than bodging the new system to mimic existing business processes and compromising the services in the process. This is referred to as process re-engineering. This needs to be a constant process, starting as early as possible during the installation and continuing until you start installing your next management system.
Don’t confuse process and product.
- Do you want that green flashing light because the system’s designed to give you a green flashing light or because you want the system to tell you that something’s just happened? In which case, would something else do the job just as well?
Think about how you as a customer would want to interact with the Library Service.
- The Library Service is not a building, and a building isn’t the Library Service. We can, do, and will increasingly provide library services beyond the walls of the library building.
- When you log onto an e-commerce site like Amazon or Tesco Online; or onto a social networking site like Facebook or Twitter, the system…
- Provides you with information/advertising based on your previous activities;
- Provides you with information/advertising from resources/people you have said you’re interested in; and
- Provides a personal service to you.
So can, and should, your LMS.
Help sheet
(Only to be used as a last resort if the blank sheet of paper’s getting to be too intimidating!)
Seriously, only use these questions if you desperately need a kick-start to get yourself going. We want as many ideas and perspectives as possible and we don’t want you to feel that you’ve got to follow this structure.
- Who uses the library?
- What are the different needs of different customers?
- What do we want them to do?
- What do we want them not to do?
- What do they do?
- Where?
- When?
- Were we any use to them?
- What else do they do?
- Where?
- When?
- Were we any use to them?
- What information do we need about them?
- How do we keep their custom?
- How do we market our services to our customers?
Demonstrating the Return On Investment: Renew, Refresh, Recycle
Public libraries hold a lot of the national back-catalogue of books. This is generally held to be important as far as fiction is concerned but, aside from a small proportion of 'classic' texts, not non-fiction. After all, out-of-date information is useless, right?
Not necessarily.
Imagine a view of the history of Germany through the eyes of somebody who didn't know that the Berlin Wall was ever to come down. Or go up in the first place. Or that Hitler would rise to power in 1933. Or... Well you get the idea.
It's easy with history, isn't it? What about science? The history of science is littered with the dead bodies of fallen ideas and Laws Of Science. I remember being baffled at university (yonks ago) by the civil war between the cladists and the phylogenetic gradualists (you'll have to look them up) - they were talking about aspects of the same idea, just using different language with all the intemperance of theologians disputing one or other heresy. A generation before it was the geosyncline versus plate tectonics debate. All a bit specialist and arcane, eh? Not really - all the time that the aeroplanes were grounded by the Icelandic volcano our newspapers were filled with diagrams of plate tectonic processes. How would they have been described fifty years ago?
And as for technology... It struck me recently that the world I grew up in as a very small child in the 60s wasn't wholly dissimilar to that of my parents' childhood (excluding powdered egg and the Luftwaffe). The Swinging Sixties didn't much reach our way, save for the Beatles and beehive hairdos. My brother was born into a world of colour television. My sister-in-law can't imagine a world without computers and MTV. Children born today would struggle with the idea of not having a mobile 'phone with a camera and internet access and umpteen thousand channels and applications. And we've still not got those personalised jet packs and robot butlers.
One of the reasons why primary resources are important is that they are uncontaminated by hindsight. Hindsight always has 20:20 vision. We know what happens at the end and that inevitably colours the narrative. History tells us which were the blind alleys, the discarded values, the paradigm shifts. And hindsight always imposes the prejudices and values of today onto the thoughts and actions of yesterday.
There is a case for our provided access to the unsullied product once every so often in "What we used to know" promotions to give us a better understanding of the historical context. It's not always enough to know how we got here, it's sometimes important to understand what happened along the way.
Saturday, 1 May 2010
LMS musings
We've got a copy of the UK Core Specification to act as a backbone to our own. The UKCS is precisely what it says on the tin and necessarily a bit basic. Even so, I think there are a couple of omissions in key areas that need tackling:
- Customer management sort of runs through the UKCS but entirely from the point of view of library processes rather than customer focus. We need to be able to use the LMS proactively as a market-research tool just as much as a gateway for delivering services. We also need to be able to provide a personalised service, aggregating an appropriate mix of services, not necessarily all provided by us. Customers in this sense shouldn't only mean individuals, we also need to think about how we provide an appropriate suite of services for groups and communities within the borough.
- Enquiry management doesn't appear at all. Coming from the advice centre and one-stop-shop services as I did it came as a shock to find that dealing with enquiries weren't a key metric. We still don't know, for instance, what proportion of our enquiry desk workload is generated by factors entirely under our control such as signage and display of materials. We also don't have a systematic mechanism for keeping track of FAQs and fugitive facts (we have the tools for the doing of, but that's not the same thing).
I'm currently picking the brains of front-line staff on these and a couple of other areas. I'll also be having a chat with RMBC's Contact Centre to see what their requirements are. We'd want the LMS to be able to work seamlessly with the corporate CRM but the much more important question is: what would they need the LMS to deliver so that they can provide a better service to our customers?
Friday, 23 April 2010
Fun things to do
And another tip of the hat to him for providing not just a dozen or more applications I hadn't bumped into yet but also a bit of thought as to actually apply them in practice. As always, the tool is only ever as useful as the use to which it is put. A few of these look like they could make up into useful guiding tools for learning resources (staff as much as the public). Something for me to have a seriously long look this summer when I'm not so overwhelmed with work. (He said optimistically!)
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Driving Change, Creating Experience & Moving Forward
There are a lot of slides in this presentation, but that's OK, I promise you, because each one's quick and punchy and leads you swiftly on to the next. And the journey's worthwhile:
- The strength of a library, particularly a public library, is its potential for being inclusive of a community and its being a trusted knowledge base within that community.
- The survival of libraries depends on its active engagement with the community and, perhaps more crucially, the active engagement of a critical mass of individual customers and stakeholders.
Monday, 5 April 2010
Self-service - the "how not to do it" workshop
Up to a couple of months ago it was dead simple:
- Go to the bank.
- Pick up an envelope.
- Put the details of the payments-in on the slip attached.
- Put your slip and cheque(s) in the envelope.
- Seal envelope.
- Put envelope in the box provided.
- Go away and get on with your life.
From the customer's point of view this was good:
- No queueing
- The transaction took a minute or two tops.
From the bank's point of view it was bad:
- Anybody who wanted could could fill in spurious details on the receipt slip and claim that the transaction had taken place as described.
- Employees of the bank had to manually retrieve the slips and cheques then effect the transaction.
The balance of power lying with the bank, not the customer, the system had to change. So we now have these self-service machines to use. Which means that you now:
- Queue to use the machine
- Log in with your bank card and PIN
- Stare at a menu providing a choice of options, most of which are not appropriate to the function. Paying in is the second from the bottom on the right.
- Feed the slip and the first cheque into the machine.
- Get a member of staff to help you work out why the papers were accepted the first couple of times of trying.
- Wait for a scanned copy of the cheque and slip is printed as a receipt.
- Repeat the above for each cheque being presented.
These days I queue up and pay in with the cashiers.
"Do you know that you could do this with the self-service machine?"
"Yes, that's why I queued up to be served by a cashier."
"Why's that?"
"Three people have used the machine since I came in. I'd still be fourth in the queue waiting my turn."
Friday, 2 April 2010
Demonstrating the Return On Investment: Make Do & Mend
"We may be entering an age of austerity where getting the basics right and on budget will be of greater value than leading the pack on innovation."
This is where many of us have been all along. Which is not to say that we are strangers to innovation. We can't afford to be early adopters of expensive experiments but we can be innovative. Innovation thrives on adversity, after all. It just won't often be revolutionary change (let's be honest, anybody looking to the English public library sector for revolutionary change needs their bumps feeling). It can be, and often is, sustained small incremental changes which aren't remotely sexy but deliver the goods.
When times are hard there is a biting incentive for change and, importantly, it is more difficult to go out and buy a magic wand in the hopes that it will make everything all right in the end. Which is good: one of the stultifying factors to progressive development is the argument that something cannot be done because "we haven't got Item X." This may be a computer, some software, access to the internet, somebody with the job of doing something, a bit of training, or whatever. You've been there, you know what I mean. Of course, the truth is that this something can't be done that way because we haven't got Item X. If that something still needs to be done (and it does no harm to ask the question), there are three options:
- Get Item X;
- Find a way of doing the necessary without Item X; or
- Keep your head down and hope that the whole thing will go away.
It's dispiriting to see how often option three comes into play in the public library sector.
As a matter of principle it's important to know what you've got and what it can do, that's simple resource management. When the brown stuff hits the fan this can be the difference between success and failure. How flexible and adaptable are your systems? Systems begin with and end with a human being.
- How knowledgeable is your workforce? — how do you know?
- How 'sharing' is your organisational culture? — go on, be honest, if only with yourself. Why do libraries, of all things, persist in having 'need to know' cultures?
- How flexible is your workforce? — have a serious think about the next question before you answer this one!
- How flexible is your management?
Maximising the effectiveness and efficiencies of what you've already got isn't a new challenge, but it is one we can no longer duck. Small systemic changes can make big differences. But only if they can be applied systemically and bought into by the organisation and its managers both.
Friday, 19 March 2010
Social Media Best Practices for Libraries
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Presentations that rock
I make no apologies for 'borrowing" this footage of Don MacMillan's PowerPoint presentation.
Monday, 8 March 2010
Demonstrating the Return on Investment: God is watching, give him a good show
The return on that investment can be relatively colossal, whether you measure the impacts in terms of literacy or well-being, supporting economic or community development. But we sort of take it for granted that people know that, don't we? While other services make damned sure that everyone who matters knows every single thing that they do (and every one of them dressed up to the nines as a major success) public libraries tend to pootle along, doing their thing until there's talk of cuts and closures, when suddenly all the positives are wheeled out. In many ways that's too late: to be sure, you may be able to stave off the major cuts in bad times but are you in a position to be able to capitalise on the good times?
- Libraries do a lot of stuff. In practice this is great, but it's difficult to sell "we do a lot of stuff" as a single message without looking and sounding incoherent. So let's not do that. Let's work with small, digestible lumps of news and information that make a single, sensible, positive point.
- Little and often is good. The individual message is: "this is something the library does/did and it is A Good Thing." The repeat message is "libraries do good things." Importantly, the message is sustained over time.
- "We're not doing anything we can make a fuss about." Bollocks. Take a look around you. Other people's high-profile media events: the festivals; the open days; the big-name events. How many people turned up? And how many people do you get to your events? Have a look round at your local context and be more realistic about what you're able to achieve. Then celebrate what you do achieve!
- "That's been and gone. What's the point in putting that on the web?" You've done something. It cost time and money to do it. Why? What did you get for it? More importantly, what did the public get for it? Tell them what you've spent their money on.
- "Yes, but it's history, isn't it? What's the point of telling people what we've done?" You and your staff aren't standing round waiting to "stamp out a few books" are you? That's precisely what a lot of people do think you do. Your overall message needs to be: "we do lots of stuff and here's just some of it!" You can't prove that you do lots of good stuff without having a good range readily available to demonstrate the point.
- "Yes, but that's just politicking or swank, isn't it?" NO!!!! This is an important part of your catalogue of services. Just as your library catalogue (remember that?) tells your customers what resources may be available for them to use, this collection of news and information items tells your customers and potential customers about the kinds of services and activities that you're delivering, or have delivered, in your libraries. And, importantly, it gives people with money and influence an idea of what you can do given the time and resources.
- Spread the word: don't rely on a single channel of communication. If you've got something good to say, say it in a few places. Take the message to your intended (or hoped-for) audience, don't sit back and expect them to hunt you down.
None of this is difficult and none of it is new. We just need to do it.
Saturday, 27 February 2010
Abstract thinking
I've been having a play with some photos of our libraries, for no good reason other than I found the effects to be pleasing. As you can see, it's a simple application of a kaleidoscope function. I'm wondering if there's anything to be read into the results.
I'll come back to this in a few weeks, when I've forgotten the running order, to see if I can pick out which have been recent refurbishments and/or relocations.
Friday, 26 February 2010
Equality in electronic delivery - thinking about inclusion
- I've always been wary of the "which groups' needs do we need to be addressing?" approach. Partly because in principle equality should be about everyone. Partly because this usually degenerates into a box-ticking exercise. (A colleague was once told that his library service needed to do more to address the needs of women, retired people and children. "That is the sum total of our customer base," he replied.) Mostly because we need to be addressing the actual needs of the individual customer, not the perceived needs of the group we have shoe-horned them into.
- Adaptive technology doesn't count for this exercise. This isn't to belittle its potential usefulness, it's just a separate issue.
I'm concerned about the impact - or not- our mainstream, vanilla-flavoured services are having. If a customer has to identify themselves as having "special needs" of one sort or another we're already playing from the back foot. With all good intentions we can sometimes be creating a barrier; as I once heard someone say to a council official: "Sometimes I feel like saying to people: 'look, this is about me, not my disability!'" Libraries can, and do, address those special needs very effectively and sensitively, but how far can we can deliver an appropriate service through the usual channels without first having to identify the need as being "special?"
One commonly-perceived negative becomes a potentially-important positive in this context: the electronic delivery mechanism is impersonal. It doesn't notice your height, weight or gender. It doesn't know the colour of your skin or your tone of voice or your accent. Your hair could be green or white or ginger. All those subjective value-loadings that human beings are prone to are not involved in the process. In that respect, at least, there is an equality of offering. Of course, there is no guarantee of equality of delivery - the layout, or language, or choice of service(s) may be excluding factors.
At the moment we provide a fairly basic suite of services:
- A web site with information about services and events
- A web catalogue allowing
- Searches, including a few hundred reading lists with directed searches
- Customers' building their own personal reading lists
- Reserving titles
- Loan renewals
- A bunch of online reference and information resources
We could, and should, do more than this. Especially bearing in mind the interactive potential of these resources and the various web 2.0 resources that are available. I'm frustrated that we don't have more interactive forms on the web site, particularly something as basic as a membership form. There are technical reasons with the corporate content management system that makes it difficult to create forms but this is something we're going to have to find a way of addressing or working round pretty soon.
The online services we do currently provide are available remotely 24 x 7, which means that customers don't have to be able to physically get to a library building during library opening times to receive library services. Which is a great boon for people who are time-poor due to family or caring commitments. And for housebound people.
Some of our housebound customers search the web catalogue, place reservations on the items they want and the items are delivered to them by the housebound library service. They continue to get the personal interaction with the Library Assistant who does the visits but they gain some control over the selection of items in the basket. It's a win:win situation - the customer can make specific choices and the Library Assistant can provide additional reading/listening suggestions based on those choices.
I think there's a lot of scope for doing more work with the reading lists. We could do more to explain the ways that people can build their own reading lists, or use the online reading lists I've already created, to help them with their studies or literacy skills. Or reading lists for people working with people with special needs or who need help with their English literacy.
And we shouldn't forget the online e-book resources we've been using to meet the needs of visually-impaired people wanting to study classic texts. Librivox and Gutenberg have both been useful a few times.
I think I'm barely scratching the surface here, even with the limited services we're providing...
Ten tips for entrepreneurs
I'd argue that they apply significantly to developing a public library service.
- "Just Build It: You don't need anyone's approval and in fact, you probably won't get it, so don't even try." -- you're working in a bureaucracy; in all probability you're working in one of the more conservative corners of that bureaucracy. Sometimes you've just got to let that genie out of the bottle.
- "Iterate: Build, release and iterate. Make a list of the features you want to create over the next six months and get going" -- definitely!!! Don't imagine you've finished the work. Look at it, review it, ask yourself how it could be made better. If resources allow, do it. If resources don't allow, why did you do it in the first place? Development needs to be sustainable.
- "Hire Your Boss: Make sure you hire people that you would want to work for, who challenge you and you can learn from." -- I think this is the single most challenging idea for an English public library service to take on board. The rigid, top-down hierarchical model of working didn't work all that well in the first place and has become a liability if library services are going to use all their available resources nimbly and effectively.
- "Demand Excellence: Ensure staff are committed to and understand your vision" -- the second sentence is important. Excellence isn't something that is measured after the event, it is something that's signposted to before the event. You demand excellence by delivering vision.
- "Raising Money: The higher your evaluation is, the more equity you have to work with. Beg, borrow and steal. Be creative about finding ways to cut costs." -- more pertinent now than ever! If you can get money, use it. They can't take it off you if you've spent it. Investigate new delivery channels to see if you can do the same or better cheaper (at least one example will be coming up in point 9).
- "Hack the Press" -- make sure that you're getting your message out there. Not just to via "official" channels: chat up anyone and everyone who might be useful.
- "Invest in Advisors" -- not necessarily consultants in the bureaucratic sense. Invest in people who know things that you may find useful. (Including your own staff!) The investment doesn't necessarily have to be in money or stocks: librarians around the world are sharing ideas, advice and news in all sorts of different forums, make sure you're tapping into them. And then make sure that you're also using the same model to tap into networks outside the library arena (be creative about it) - you will be amazed at just how often the answer to a problem is a devolved community knowledgebase with meeting and event management facilities and free internet access. Join in, be positive, be useful; the effort you invest this way can be paid back many times over later on.
- "Connect With the Community" -- any public library service that isn't doing that already should be boarded up.
- "Leverage Your User Base to Spread the Word" -- talk to your customers; tell them what you're doing; then get your customers to be your marketing tool. Time was, we only had word of mouth to work with (but when it works it works very well indeed). Now there are all sorts of new opportunities, many of which are free. Which ties in nicely with point 5. If it costs £x to print out a couple of hundred leaflets which may or may not be actually read could you not use the money one something more concrete that you could tell people about buckshee on Twitter, Facebook, etc.?
- "Analyze Your Traffic: Pay attention to how people are using your site, and then learn and evolve" -- not just your web traffic (though that's important). How does/doesn't your online audience traffic relate to your library's visitors?
I know which ones I have and haven't been doing (and I'm not going to say here which they are!)
Sunday, 21 February 2010
Libraries working with vulnerable people
A lot of libraries, including Rochdale's, are doing similar types of activities to a greater or lesser extent. I'll encourage the people in our Special Services Team to have a look at this blog, for both the reasons stated above. It would be good if they could share experiences. It was nice to see how they do reminiscence work. Special Services work with "reminiscence packs," which tend to include more objects than books or other reading materials (very often they'll take along some books or audio items along to complement and support the reminiscence packs). The Library Service also does occasional one-off reminiscence events. The last one, I think, was this:
Do you remember the times when washday was always on a Monday?
Fourteen people came along to our morning of washday reminiscences at Castleton Library on Friday 16 January. This was an opportunity to swap memories of living, working and shopping in Castleton, Middleton and Rochdale. We used the "Women's Work" reminiscence pack to prompt discussion, support by materials from the local studies collections in Middleton Library and the Local Studies Collection in Touchstones. It was also very useful to be able to link this with the "Shop" exhibition in the Heritage Gallery at Touchstones.
My conscience is pricked: I need to do a proper page about the reminiscence packs on our web site.