Perfection paralysis is always a potential barrier to change. "Good enough" is usually good enough but realistically there will be times when we have to cut a corner or two to get to "Good enough for now" within the available time and resources. It's as well to know the difference.
- "Good enough" — Job done to the specified requirements. Leave well alone and don't break anything unless the changes are part of a managed transition process.
- "Good enough for now" — Job done near enough to the specified requirements but the job needs to be reviewed to make sure it really is good enough and that the cut corners don't have any nasty unintended consequences. Then do a lessons learned to find out if there are any unanticipated benefits, remembering to look at both the processes and the outcomes.
"Good enough for now" is your deviation from the norm. Even if everything turns out to be hunky dory you'll want to amber list this in your risk register to flag up that the next change process needs to factor in the impacts you've identified during the lessons learned.